Little Miss Drama

Lunch Date with Dubai Friends at Sariwon Korean BBQ Restaurant

Most of my friends from Dubai normally go home to spend Christmas and/or New Year’s with their families back home and we would usually contact each other and plan something to get together.

Last year, we planned to have a lunch date. We basically contacted each other through Facebook and just gave each other’s contact numbers once everyone is in Manila.

Hanson wanted Korean food and most wanted to have it somewhere in Makati instead of Eastwood (those were the only options) to avoid being stuck for hours on the road. I suggested we could have it at High Street. Fortunately, I was able to find a Korean restaurant here so everyone (Rowelle & family, Karen & Charles, Hanson & Sharon, Andrew, Trins & RJ, and Kat) agreed to have our lunch here.

I initially planned to go with my mom since I normally don’t go alone with Joaqui without her but because she didn’t want Korean food and she needed to go home with Papa right away, she just came with me inside the restaurant and left me there with my friends after a few minutes.


My friends from Dubai


Joaqui warming up


Above: with Tita Trina. Below: with Mommy and Tito Andrew.

After my mom left us, Joaqui warmed up to his titos and titas. He mostly stared at Tito Andrew and Tita Trina who carried him most of the time. I was not really able to eat because I was busy with Joaqui who eventually slept after I fed him. It was good that I actually ate something at home before I went here.

Joaqui woke up just before we left the restaurant and Hanson helped me with Joaqui’s diaper bag (Sharon, I think he’s ready :p). They all helped me get a cab first before they went home.

This was the first time Joaqui and I actually commuted. Just the two of us. No Lola to help me with nor Lolo to drive us home and we actually managed so yay! 🙂

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Charlotte Farhan Art - Creating Change

Visual Artist, Published Illustrator, Writer, owner / editor of ASLI Magazine, activist to end rape culture and campaigner to end stigma against mental illness. #artsaveslives

A Tourist, A Traveler and A Lover of Art

I always believe that if you've experienced something extraordinary, you have no right to keep it to yourself. Paola Nazario

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